The Wolmer's Trust

The Wolmer’s Trust was formed in 1736 by an Act of the Island Legislature (9 Geo.II.,cap.6) to give effect to the bequest of John Wolmer.

The law above cited, naming certain persons as Trustees, with power to erect or build a School house, out of the money to be handed over to them by the executors.

In the year 1774 the Legislature passed another Act appointing additional Trustees and enabling the Trustees to appoint a Treasurer. In the year 1800 the Legislature passed a third Act for securing to the Trustees a perpetual annuity upon their delivering up certain securities(£15,864currency) for public purposes.

The provisions for the Trust included allowing for religious exemptions for students, scholarships and always adhering to modern curriculum in addition to classics. 

The Wolmer’s Trust is currently a registered charitable organization in accordance with the Charities Act 2013 of Jamaica. 

During the last few years the School has engaged the attention of the Schools’ Commission with the result that a new scheme in aid of the Trust, prepared by the Commission after conferences with the former Trustees, received the approval of the Officer Administering the Government in Privy Council, and came into operation on the 15th August, 1894, and provision is now made for that Secondary Education at the School which had always been contemplated by the old Laws relating to the Trust, but entire failure to provide which had existed for nearly thirty years.

1.Certain old Laws (9Geo.II.cap.6,15Geo.III.cap.14,and Law 2 of 1882) are repealed, and the following are the new Trustees,viz.,six Members of the Mayor and Council of Kingston to be elected from time to time,and five other persons to be nominated by the Schools’ Commission and appointed by theGovernor, three of whom are to be persons of position and influence connected with Kingston, and the remaining two are to be chosen for their scholastic attainments and experience. The Chairman is elected annually by the Trustees, and the quorum consists of five, except in certain specified cases when it is reduced to three.

11. The funds and property areto be devoted to (a) an Upper School and (b) a Lower School with boys and girls in each. Provision however is made,in the event of the concurrence of both the Trustees and the Schools’ Commission ,for the abolition of the Lower School,and the appropriation of all theresources of the Trust to the maintenance of the UpperSchool. In accordance with this provision the Lower School has now been abolished.

III. The Upper School is to be a modernized Grammar School, with classical and commercial sides, and with additional special subject ssuitable to girls. The Head Master is to be appointed by the Trustees and all other Masters and Mistresses are to be appointed by the Trustees on the recommendation of the Head Master. The School is to consist of such number of foundationers as may be fixed in the B y Laws, and of other scholars paying such fee as may be similarly fixed. The boys and girls who are eligible as foundationers are the children of inhabitants of Kingston who are not able to pay for such higher education, and “ inhabitants of Kingston” are defined to be persons who have continuously lived in Kingston for not less than twoyears. The Trustees are to arrange for such annual examination of the School as may be satisfactory to the Schools Commission, and they have power to appoint a Committee of Lady Visitors to the Girls’School.

Iv,Anannual return of the income and expenditure of the Trust is to be for warded to the Governor through the Schools’Commission .

v. Provisionis made for grants by way of gratuities or compassionate allowances to Teachers of the old School who are not retained in the new Lower School in such manner and to such extent as may be approved by the Schools’ Commission .

vi. In view of the provisions of the old Acts relating to this Trust, the Head Master and the Head Mistress of the Girls ‘ School, if one is appointed, are required to be members of the Church of England, and the other Teachers members of the Church of England or of some Protestant Denomination. Religious teaching is to be given in accordance with the following rule : “ The leading facts in the old and New Testaments, especially the history and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the essential truths of the Gospel familiarly known ,” but any scholar can be exempted from this on the written request of the parent.
VII. Provision is made for the possible establishment of Scholarships from Wolmer’s School tenable at University College. VIII.Provision is made for the making of By-Laws not inconsistent with but for the better effect of carrying into the scheme. 

The Handbook of Jamaica, 1901, T.L Roxburg and Jos C. Ford


Milton Samuda, Trust Chair
Douglas Orane 
Yvonne Clark
Jacki Hinkson
Norma Brown-Bell
Pauline Findlay
Lincoln McIntyre
Sterling Soares
Karla Small-Dwyer
Charlene Porteous
Alicia Lutas
Courtney Wynter
Omar Reid
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