WOLMER’S PIONEERS MASSIVEOur three Wolmer’sschools are implementing new initiatives for SOLAR ELECTRICITY GENERATION SYSTEM

Wolmerian engineer and technology serial entrepreneur, Silicon Valley based Lloyd Carney, has led an initiative to install solar electricity generation across all three Wolmer’s campuses.
In collaboration with Wolmer’s Trust, the system has been commissioned at a cost of US$445,000, with Lloyd Carney being the major donor with a most generous personal gift of US$323,000.
In collaboration with Wolmer’s Trust, the system has been commissioned at a cost of US$445,000, with Lloyd Carney being the major donor with a most generous personal gift of US$323,000.

The system produces electricity savings
in the order of J$16,000,000 per year.
The savings are then to be applied to the objective stated by major donor Lloyd Carney viz: “To make Wolmer’s one of the premier science and technology schools in the world”.
This would include investments in Wi-Fi, internet access, science labs, and high-quality teaching methodologies.
This would include investments in Wi-Fi, internet access, science labs, and high-quality teaching methodologies.

Our immense gratitude to Lloyd Carney
for investing in the future of our 3,400 students, and setting an outstanding example for other Wolmerians and friends of Wolmer’s to follow..
The system includes 954 solar panels on rooftops across the Boys, Girls and Prep schools’ roofs. JPS consumption is thus reduced substantially. Excess solar electricity generated is sold back to JPS producing additional income.
To further save on electricity, 907 LEDlights and 60 variable speed a/c units were installed to replace older less efficient lights and a/c units.
To further save on electricity, 907 LEDlights and 60 variable speed a/c units were installed to replace older less efficient lights and a/c units.