WAASF Membership

Wolmer's Alumni Association, Inc.
South Florida Chapter

September 22, 2018

Dear Wolmerians,

Our 2018-2019 fiscal year for the Association has begun. We are encouraging all Wolmerians who have not already done so, to take a moment and submit their membership dues for the year. Whether you attend our meetings, special events or just simply carry the Wolmers' spirit in your heart, we urge you to show your love and support for, and commitment to your alma mater as a contributing member.

Membership dues provide revenue to help defray the organization’s basic operating expenses: filing taxes, mailing letters, phone/website maintenance, etc. Your membership dues will allow us to contribute even more funds raised from events, to scholarship for current Wolmer’s students and community-based efforts. Please note, the membership fee at a modest $30 per year, is the lowest among alumni associations.

To become a member/maintain membership, please complete the attached form and return it along with your payment to the address indicated, or you may click here

to apply and pay your membership dues using PayPal.
As always, your support is greatly appreciated by our schools and those in need; it is critical to the Association’s efforts to maintain the highest standard of quality in education and offer opportunities for improvement to those less fortunate.

Warmest Regards,

Wolmer’s Executive Board


© 2025 Wolmer’s Alumni Association, South Florida Chapter. All Rights Reserved.
Email: wolmersouthfla@gmail.com | Phone: (888) 965-6377 or 888-WOLMERS
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 260652 – Pembroke Pines, FL 33026
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